Privacy Policy | Sam Younesi

Privacy Policy

It is our policy at to respect and protect the privacy of users that visit our website and we are committed to providing the highest level of service experience possible. This policy statement is intended to explain what information is collected through our website and how we use or disclose that information.

Your personal information

This website offers you an opportunity to create a personal account for the purpose of supporting your home search. To create an account, you will be asked to provide information including your name, email address, password and phone number during signup. This information is stored by us, but will not shared, sold or released to any other individual, group or company without your consent. When you have requested specific services through our website, your information will be shared or used by us to correspond or contact you as needed in order to fulfill your request.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Like many other websites, our site automatically gathers general information such as the user’s IP address, the date and the time this site is accessed, the pages visited, and any content downloaded. This non-personally identifiable information is collected specifically for website improvement and system administration purposes only. This site also uses cookies for the purpose of remembering your preferences, improving the service you receive and ensuring we can properly link to the information you are requesting.

Links to other websites

We place an extremely high value on security. We have architected our systems in terms of hardware and software in order to protect against un-authorized or malicious exposure of users information. While we have made every reasonable effort in this regard, we also recognize that no computer system is completely immune to these types of attacks.We cannot be held liable for any breach of security that is beyond our reasonable control.


Our website may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that these websites are beyond our control and may not be subject to this same privacy policy committment. Users are advised to familiarize themselves with the privacy policy and terms of use for any website they visit before sharing personal information.

Policy acceptance

Your use of our website signifies your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and your consent to the collection and disclosure of information as outlined above. Any future updates to this policy will be posted here. Please refer back to this document periodically so that you fully aware of any policy changes. Your continued use of our site indicates your acceptance of our posted policy.